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While the ongoing #Fishrot investigation into state capture, bribery, money-laundering and fishy deals to access Namibia's prolific fishing waters has opened a Pandora's box of irregularities and loopholes in the international fishing industry, the warning signals have been there long ago.

Peter Robert Manning already forewarned the danger of what is happening now in a thesis MANAGING NAMIBIA’S MARINE FISHERIES: OPTIMAL RESOURCE USE AND NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVES submitted in 1998 to the  London School of Economics and Political Science.

The thesis comprises a detailed history of Namibia's fishing industry right up to the post-independent "Namibianization" of the industry. Manning specifically warned against the dangers of joint ventures between local small fishermen and big foreign companies where the extensive use of nominee shareholders efficiently hide the true identity of the beneficiary shareholders, saying "it multiplies the efficacy of the provision of the Companies Act which makes it an offence for a company to withhold information about its shareholdings". SA 1973, s113(1).

Manning further suggested:   

"It would seem reasonable for the identities of beneficiaries of the use of a public resource to be placed in the public domain, so that anyone at any time is able to have access to this information.
It will never be possible to be sure that all resource rent is being collected by government because of the difficulties of assessing what exactly the resource rent is in the first instance. Approximations are used, making it likely at any time for there to remain some rent in the system.
Theoretically, much of this information is in the public domain. The Register of Companies, maintained by the Ministry of Trade and Industry, hold details of the Directors of all registered companies and the address where the register of members of each company is held.
It is an offence under the Companies Act (61) 1973 for a company to refuse to disclose its shareholding (South Africa 1973, si 13(1)). However, the use of nominee shareholders and the incidence of foreign 284 registered companies as shareholders means that the provisions of the Companies Act in this respect is inadequate.
The Ministry of Fisheries and Marine resources requires of companies that they disclose the beneficial shareholding of the company to the Ministry as part of the annual survey it makes of the industry. As this information is theoretically in the public domain, it would be constructive for the Ministry to make the information publicly available in the form of access to a database. This would help to make the ownership and control of the industry a lot easier to monitor by interested parties and therefore a lot more transparent. This could be done with relatively little extra work or expenditure.

Most participants in the fishing industry are constituted as private limited companies. Only a few are public companies. Unlike a public company, a private company is not obliged to lodge a copy of interim statements and annual financial statements with the Registrar of Companies (ibid., s302).

It would seem reasonable that private companies in the fishing industry be obliged to disclose this information due to the public nature of the resource they are utilising. This would help to improve the accountability of the industry to the public and would promote greater transparency in the industry."
7. C






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Ná so 'n lang vakansie wat gekenmerk is deur uiterste droogte, wisselvallige weerstoestande, top-vermaak en 'n allemintige geskatte miljoen mense wat Mosselbaai se strande besoek het, is daar skaars tyd om tot verhaal te kom voor die volgende fees - die 2020 Diasfees - van 31 Januarie tot 2 Februarie by Santosstrand gehou word.
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Hier is die amptelike indrukke van Mosselbaai Toerisme en die ATKV-strandoord oor die afgelope vakansieseisoen:

Aneli Gerber, operasionele bestuurshoof van Mosselbaai Toerisme:

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"Mosselbaai Toerisme het `n opname onder ons lede gedoen en die gevoel is dat die seisoen dieselfde indien nie beter is as dieselfde tyd verlede jaar nie.

Die langer skoolvakansie het vir seker meer voete van ons omliggende provinsies gebring, maar Gautengers, Vrystaters en dies meer het nog steeds net vanaf die 20ste Desember tot die 5de Januarie gebly. Dit blyk dat sekere restaurante gewilder was as ander. Sommige toon groei in inkomste oor die vakansietyd en ander berig dat hulle wel hulle begrote inkomste behaal het, maar dat dit nie `n rekord-seisoen was nie.

Ons is dankbaar vir, oor die algemeen, positiewe terugvoer wanneer in ag geneem word dat gesinne toenemend onder finansiële druk is, die petrolprys nog beduidend hoog is en dat voedselpryse sterk toegeneem het. Dit sit groot druk op daardie extras soos aktiwiteite en uiteet. Vanaf sosiale media is die terugvoer `n plesier. Dit blyk dat almal ons dorp geniet en waardering het vir die netheid van die dorp en die veilige omgewing wat geskep word vir vakansiegangers. Daar was `n rekord getal feeste, byeenkomste en geleenthede en ek glo elke vakansieganger kon kies en keur tussen al die vermaaklikheidsopsies.

Ongeveer `n miljoen mense het ons strande besoek tussen 15 Desember en 5 Januarie en ons is trots om te berig dat die insidente min en onbeduidend was in ag genome die hoeveelheid vakansiegangers wat daagliks op ons strande vertoef het. Ons is danbaar vir al die rolspelers wat onverpoos gewerk het om veiligheid en orde te handhaaf. Talle individue het onverpoos gewerk saam met die Munisipaliteit en die SAPS om misdaad hok te slaan en gesteelde eiendom terug te besorg aan hulle eienaars. Die suksesstories is daagliks gedeel in vergaderings van die seisoenmoniteringskomitee, maar die algemene publiek is nie altyd bewus van die oorwinnings nie.

Mosselbaai gaan van krag tot krag en dit is duidelik hoekom ons een van Suid Afrika se gunsteling-dorpe bly."

Mornay Beukes, oordbestuurder van die ATKV-Hartenbos Strandoord skryf:

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2019/20 SEISOEN:

"Net soos wat 2018 se seisoen onthou sal word vir die perfekte weer, so sal 2019/20 se seisoen onthou word vir die droogte en die wind!

Die oord het vir elke gas wat inbespreek daarop gewys dat ons waterbeperkings het en ons het in al ons eenhede en ablusieblokke kennisgewings geplaas oor hoe om te help om water te bespaar. Dit egter gesê, het ons nog steeds mense gekry wat vir ons kom sê het daar is mense wat vir 15 minute of langer stort of water mors. Van die skuldiges kon ons gaan aanpraat, maar van hulle het weer soos mis voor die son verdwyn.

Vanaf begin Desember was daar seker ook net 4 of 5 dae gewees wat die wind nie gewaai het nie en met waai bedoel ek soos in stormsterk waai met tye. Ek kan onthou dat ons sekuriteit op een dag by 6 kampeerplekke besig was om mense se tente vas te hou sodat dit nie wegwaai of skeur nie, terwyl ons wag dat die mense terugkom. 'n Mens sou dink dat met die baie wind, mense dan in die winkels gaan rondloop en koop, maar dit het ook nie gebeur nie. Die mense het geloop, maar die koopkrag is definitief nie meer wat dit 'n paar jaar gelede was nie.

"Dit was ‘n lang seisoen wat al vanaf 4 Desember gesorg het dat hier mense is. Hier was beslis meer voertuie, maar die getal mense is vir ons maar dieselfde as die vorige jaar. Die oord was soos gewoonlik vol bespreek vanaf 20 Desember 2019 tot 03 Januarie 2020.

Die weer het ook definitief ‘n rol gespeel by ons ontspanningsfasiliteite. Die verhitte swembad het baie beter gedoen as begroot, terwyl die pretpark weer swakker gedoen het as gevolg van die weer. Ons Koswerf Restaurant het ook beter gedoen en ons skryf dit grotendeels toe aan ons nuwe spyskaart. Ons Na-Donker-kuierplek vir die bo 18’s het ook goed gedoen in die aande en het dit weereens gelyk of die ekonomie geen invloed op die kuiergewoontes van die jongmense het nie!

Ons het weer eens die vakansie baie vermaak aangebied en het tydens die Studentejôl aan die begin van Desember vir Spoegwolf, Snotkop en Biggy hier gehad wat goed ondersteun is. By die oord is ook verskeie teater-optredes aangebied met Marion Holm, Wynand van Vollenstee, Radio Raps en Frank Opperman. Kleiner konserte is ook in die Pretpark en Skoffelskuur gehou met Deon Groot, Adam, Fatman en Danny Smoke. InAfrikaans het ook 4 konserte in die Amfiteater aangebied en alhoewel daar ooreenstemmende konserte deur Afrikaans is Groot gereël is in Mosselbaai op 28 en 31 Desember, was die opkoms nog steeds baie goed by hierdie konserte in die Amfiteater.

In geheel gesien was hierdie ‘n lekker lang vakansieperiode met regtig min klagtes. Wanneer daar klagtes was, het dit meestal gehandel oor geraas. Daar was weer eens geen voorvalle van ernstige misdaad nie en geen ernstige besering of noodgevalle by die oord nie. Ons dank ons Hemelse Vader vir ‘n wonderlike seisoen!"


Hier is nog hoogtepunte van die Desembervakansie in beeld:

HAPPY 2020! Mosselbaai, jou lekker ding!
The New Year dawned with astounding beauty & bliss over the Bay . . . after an eventful year with its share of joys, sorrows, losses and gains.

We could write a lengthy report about all the ups & downs of 2019, but NOT on New Year's DAY and NOT while we are on holiday too . . . !  

...See More

Die hele Mosselbaai en omgewing se mense is blykbaar van nou af stuk-stuk op pad na die Van Riebeeck-stadion vir die Afrikaans is GROOT Somerfees . . . en laatslapers kan STEEDS kaartjies aanlyn by Computicket koop.
Hieronder is al die inligting oor die fees der feeste:

Afrikaans is Groot
Die Afrikaans is Groot Somerfees skop oor nét ’n paar dae af en ons kan nie wag om julle almal by dié heel eerste Mosselbaai-feestelikheid te verwelkom nie. Nie net kan jy uitsien na van die land se grootste kunstenaars by die groot konsert die aand nie, maar ook na ’n propvol program van aktiwiteite en vermaak wat jy voor die konsert kan geniet.
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Nog pragfoto's:
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Namibian authorities investigate claims $10m fish quota hijacked by politicians

Walvis Bay, Namibia. Photo: Jeremy T Hetzel

Namibian anti-corruption authorities are investigating allegations regarding NAD 150 million ($10m) worth of fishing quotas, originally donated by Namibia to the Angolan government, which have allegedly been taken over by Namibian politicians, reports The Namibian.

According to the report, several politicians and their friends, relatives and business partners have allegedly been reselling the Angolan fish quotas to international companies at market rates.

The individuals under scrutiny include Ricardo Gustavo, a senior manager at Investec Asset Management, as well as the state-owned National Fishing Corporation of Namibia (Fishcor). Two Namibian ministers and a former Angolan minister are also believed to be implemented, according to The Namibian.

Allegedly, profits from the quota sales were siphoned to offshore companies in Mauritius and Dubai, with the money then reportedly coming back into Namibia through companies that can be traced back to relatives, ministers and business people controlled by politicians.

The total sum under investigation could be as high as NAD 500m, the Namibian claimed.

The original bilateral agreement between Angola and Namibia was signed in 2014, and saw the latter given a quota for 25,000 metric tons of horse mackerel between 2014 to 2016. While this allocation was worth approximately NAD 70m, the second allocation, from 2016 to 2019, had a value estimated at close to NAD 150m. The original reason for the deal between the two countries was reportedly unclear.

Since the above, two people have been arrested for allegedly interfering with the investigations.
Jason Iyambo appeared before magistrate Linus Samunzala on Wednesday 22 January 2020 and was not asked to plead to charges of corruptly giving gratification as an inducement, a contravention of the Anti-Corruption Act, or alternatively improperly influencing an authorised officer.

He is also charged with one count of defeating or obstructing the course of justice.

He allegedly offered the official money to retrieve two ATM cards belonging to one of the Fishrot scandal suspects James Hatuikulipi and two ATM cards belonging to Pius Mwatelulo, plus a handwritten letter titled Total Allocation of ACC.

It is alleged that Iyambo offered the official, Junius Ipinge, N$250 000 for the items in question.  
Iyambo is the second person to be arrested for allegedly interfering with the investigations after the police and ACC officials arrested Nigel van Wyk for trying to remove evidence from the house of former justice minister Sacky Shanghala, including documents, hard drives, flash drives and ammunition.

Fishrot Shangalas portfolio


Van Wyk was charged with two counts of attempting to defeat the course of justice and unlawful possession of ammunition and remains in custody.

Hesekiel Ipinge who appeared on behalf of the state opposed bail being granted, as it would not be in the interest of the public or the administration of justice and the fear that the accused would interfere with investigations if granted bail.

Katuvesirauina Ngatangue, who represented Iyambo, told the court they will bring a formal bail application in due course.

The matter was postponed to 20 February to coincide with the next court appearance of the Fishrot Six, as they are now publicly known. 

Former ministers Bernhard Esau and Shanghala along with James, his nephew and Esau’s son-in-law Tamson Hatuikulipi, Ricardo Gustavo and Mwatelulo were arrested in November last year for allegedly receiving bribes amounting to hundreds of millions of dollars to grant Icelandic Fishing company Samherji unfettered access to Namibia’s lucrative horse mackerel resources.

Esau and his five co-accused are charged with corruption, fraud and money laundering in the Fishrot scandal. 

They have thus far failed in numerous attempts to have the charges against them nullified and remain in custody at the Windhoek Correctional Facility’s section for trial-awaiting inmates.

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